Patent Infringement Books

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Patent Infringement | "Nokia and HTC Win Lawsuit Against IPCom "

By : Christopher
Source :
Category : Patent Infringement

The European Patent Office (EPO) issued a verdict in favour of Nokia and HTC against IPCom, a German firm that had threatened to close down the sales of Nokia and HTC mobile devices in Germany following claims of patent infringement.

Nokia, currently facing the problem of falling sales and credit ratings in the last few weeks, can now continue selling their products in Germany. None of the 62 IPCom patents that had been challenged have been found to be valid. Meanwhile, IPCom plans to go ahead and oppose the current ruling through further appeals. The dispute is mainly centered on wireless technology for car telephone systems built by Bosch and later sold in 2007. IPCom had acquired this patent portfolio from Bosch, which includes 160 patent families all over the world.

These patents, one of which is 100A, hold some key technologies which could be of importance to the wireless industry. Therefore, a number of top mobile device makers entered into a licensing deal with IPCom. However, Nokia and HTC had proceeded to challenge IPCom’s patents. Nokia has been in dispute with IPCom for several years now as they believe that the licensing fees demanded by IPCom are extremely high and unrealistic. With Nokia and HTC refusing to agree to terms of IPCom, they faced license infringement claims by the German company.

In spite of the current ruling by the EPO, IPCom will continue to keep the patent 100A in effect until the final appeal is made and the verdict given. IPCom has already initiated orders against HTC. HTC, on the other hand, is hoping IPCom will reassess their decision to take further legal action. Back in 2009, IPCom had won against HTC in court, going ahead and urging dealers to stop the sale of HTC 3G devices. IPCom also managed to win against Nokia last week in a German court regarding another patent infringement claim. In Nokia’s defense, violation of IPCom’s intellectual property rights only applied in the case of old handsets which were not being sold anymore.

However, the current ruling seems to have gone against IPCom as one of the features of the patent may be considered to be too broad. This was not confirmed by the officials at the EPO. It may take a long time for the final verdict to be given if IPCom decides to appeal against the current ruling.

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